Your Home
Your home is most likely your biggest investment and it’s important that you have the best coverage for the best possible price. There are several parts to a homeowner’s policy and they are all important if you have a claim. The home itself (the dwelling coverage) needs to be high enough to replace your home but there are other coverages that are equally important - personal liability, contents, additional living expense (or loss of use) and coverage for special items such as guns, musical instruments, jewelry, etc.
If someone gets hurt on your property their first call will be to a lawyer. Your liability coverage pays for damages and the cost of a lawyer to defend you or a family member if necessary. Your children are also covered which is great because kids like to hit things with baseball bats and golf clubs and sometimes those balls can end up in windows!
If you could take your house and turn it upside down everything that would fall out is your contents. If your house burned down you would have to replace those things and the longer you live in a house the more things you will have collected - including clothing and shoes. We recommend an app called OWNIT - it’s a great app that lets you make a list of all of your contents that includes pictures and how much you paid. You can also take a picture of your serial number and the app will attach the owners manual! If you should have a claim you can print out a complete list of your contents. It’s a great way to make sure you have enough coverage.
Home Warranties - We also sell Home Warranty policies for your appliances. Home appliances usually pick the worst time to break down - your freezer is usually full when the freezer decides to stop working, or it’s the first day of summer when your AC stops cooling. Don’t add more stress to an already bad situation by worrying about expensive repair costs - it could be a $75 issue or a $7500 issue! A home warranty policy has a co-pay (your choice) and that’s it!